4D Baby Scan
- Recommended from 24 weeks of pregnancy and ideally before 32 weeks (please see FAQs for advice if you have an anterior placenta)
- 4D scans use 3D imaging technology with the 4th dimension of time to give a live moving image.
Optional extras:
- Extra Black/White thermal prints - £5 for 2 (or £3 each)
Please arrive at your appointment time, not early.
Please note you don't need to fill your bladder for this scan as you'll be over 24 weeks.
We can’t guarantee we will be able to obtain images of your baby in 3D/4D as there are factors which will limit our view of your baby in your womb – your baby’s position, number of babies, the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, position of the placenta and umbilical cord etc. We can perform 4D scans after 32 weeks, but this can reduce the possibility of seeing baby due to limited space within the womb.
Please choose Book Now to arrange your appointment.